Daily Schedule

During the early weeks of school our faculty observes the group dynamics within each program.  From these observations, they may choose to make adjustments to the typical schedule that is outlined below.  


Children arrive at school and hang up their belongings, change into their indoor shoes, and wash their hands.

Entry into the Classroom

As children enter their classroom, they are greeted by faculty and friends.  The classroom teachers will have set-up a variety of provocations based on their observations of the children’s interests, and the children will explore these activities freely during this time.   The goal of each provocation is to inspire thoughts, discussions, questions, interests, creativity and ideas.    

Morning Meeting

Children gather as a class group each morning to greet one another more formally, play some movement games, conduct group exploratory discussions, and to discuss more deeply the day’s provocations.  During this time, groups will also read stories and sing songs. 

Indoor Play, Small Group Work, and Snack Time

Following morning meeting, children are free to select from the many available provocations, which are carefully set-up to encourage small group play.  After a designated bathroom time, children will return to their classroom to eat a snack provided from home. After snack, children may continue to play in the classroom, join a Willow Group Exploration, or visit the Literacy Corner.

Clean-Up and Closing Circle

All children participate in caring for our classrooms through clean-up.  Following clean-up, our Pre-Kindergarten children will have a closing circle to reflect on the day, read stories and sing.

Outside and Dismissal

Following clean-up and, for the older children, closing circle classes will head outside.  Outside time provides a wonderful opportunity for children to flex their muscles and work on gross motor skills.  Children who are not staying for Extended Day will be dismissed to their caregivers after play.  Those children attending Extended Day will head inside with their teachers to transition to Extended Day Programming.

Extended Day (Optional with Sign-Up)

Upon returning to school from outside time, children use the bathroom, wash their hands, and start eating lunch.  After lunch children are given mats for quiet time.  Children are not required to nap during this time, but it is intended to be a time where children can have some downtime from the group dynamic.  Non-nappers will be provided with a quiet activity (LEGO bricks, coloring, etc.) that they can play on their mat.  Following quiet time, children will clean-up and suit-up to play outside for the remainder of the afternoon.  Dismissal from Extended Day will be from outside.